
Today, the propagation behavior of small fatigue cracks in high-strength materials such as high speed steels used to make metalworking tools is not...


PhD student Robert Littringer is currently working on MCL's K2 ESP-Next project and is studying Iron and Steel Metallurgy at Montanuniversität Leoben....


Gerald Ressel works as co-editor at Frontiers in Materials in the field of "Characterization and Processing of Creep and Oxidation Resistant Metallic...


At the beginning of June, MCL organized a workshop to strengthen the collaboration between industry and science on the subject of modern bainitic...


In mid-June electron microscopy training courses were held that were organized by MCL together with @ZEISS Microscopy. The workshops dealt with the...


Recently the annual consortium meeting of the MCacceL project took place. The strategic COMET research project MCacceL (Development and implementation...


Das MCL und das Institut für Fertigungstechnik laden zu einem spannenden Vortrag zum Projekt FairMillData2 ein. Dabei geht es um die Aufnahme von...


Last week the IC-MPPE Conference 2024 (standing for Integrated Computational Materials, Process and Product Engineering), which was organized by MCL...


MCL celebrated its 25th anniversary with a ceremony at Montanuniversität Leoben on June 5, 2024. The event was a great success with around 200...


IC-MPPE Conference 2024 @ MCL: MCL and @ASMET are organizing the international conference IC-MPPE 2024 in Leoben this week.

We have been able to...
