The MCL is one of the organizer of the symposium A05 Leveraging 3D Imaging and Analysis Methods for New Opportunities in Material Science at the renowned Microscopy & Microanalysis conference, Portland, Oregon, sponsored by the Microscopy Society of America.
Save the Date (04 - 08.08.2019) and plan to attend the Microscopy & Microanalysis 2019.
Especially in the symposium “Leveraging 3D Imaging and Analysis Methods for New Opportunities in Material Science”, we invite contributions from researchers developing or leveraging 3D imaging and analysis methods to drive new discoveries in materials science.
This encompasses data acquisition with a variety of microscopy methods (optical, electron, ion, X-ray, neutron, and more) including 3D and multiscale/modal correlative workflows; as well as challenges associated with big data handling, image processing/analysis, and linking imaging data with computational methods (FEM, CFD, etc.).
Examples of relevant classes of materials include, but are certainly not limited to, porous materials, complex intermetallics, energy storage and conversion devices, catalysts, bio-scaffolds, fiber-reinforced composites, hierarchical biomaterials, and additively manufactured components.
• 3D, including repetitive time-lapse ‘4D’, microscopy methods for materials science
• Challenges with respect to big data handling
• Challenges with respect to image processing/analysis
• Linking imaging data with computational methods and modeling
Symposium Organizers symposium A05:
Ashwin Shahani, University of Michigan
Roland Brunner, Materials Center Leoben Forschung GmbH
Will Harris, Carl Zeiss Microscopy
Erdmann Spiecker, Universität Erlangen Nürnberg
Abstract submission is now open.
Abstract Deadline: 15.02.2019