
MCL at renowned MSE2024 Congress and Call for Submissions

MCL is one of the organizers of the symposium “M04: Hybrid data-driven modeling for scalable materials design” at the renowned MSE2024 congress, Darmstadt, Germany taking place from September24 to 26, 2024.

For the symposium “Hybrid data-driven modeling for scalable materials design”, we would like to ask for contributions from researchers who develop or apply data driven modelling tools that include physical knowledge for materials design.

To improve the understanding of complex phenomena in materials science applications, so-called hybrid models are used, combining physics-based material models for the underlying process-structure-property relationships (where available and applicable) with observations (where knowledge is limited). Compared to pure data-driven models, well-constructed hybrid models generalize better and reduce the number of required experiments and simulations.


Abstracts can be submitted by January 31, 2024.

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