Workshop on Finite Fracture Mechanics
31.05.2017 ISFK, Leoben, Austria
In the framework of the Comet-project: “Reliability of highly integrated ceramic/polymer based functional systems for electronic applications”
Der Workshop besteht aus 6 Vorträgen (3 eingeladene Gäste aus dem Ausland und 2 Experten aus Leoben). Eine kurze Agenda finden Sie beiliegend.
Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos!
Location: ISFK, Besprechungszimmer 5. Stock, Peter-Tunner Strasse 5, 8700 Leoben
08:45h Meeting at the "Besprechungsraum" ISFK (5th Floor), Peter-Tunner Strasse 5, Leoben
09:00h Welcome and short presentation of invited speakers and agenda (R. Bermejo)
09:10h "Fracture in brittle materials and components" (R. Danzer, R. Bermejo)
09:30h "Understanding crack initiation in brittle materials: FFM" (D. Leguillon)
10:00h "A FF model for the analysis of multi-cracking in woven ceramic matrix composites" (E. Martin)
10:30h Coffee Break
10:45h "Prediction of multi-cracking in sub-micron films using the coupled criterion" (D. Leguillon)
11:15h "Description of crack initiation and propagation in layered ceramics using FFM" (O. Sevecek)
11:45h "Crack propagation in multilayer architectures using the configurational forces approach" (O. Kolednik)
12:15h End of workshop
All presentations should last no longer than 20 minutes, and allow for 10 minutes discussion.