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Andrea Giunchi, Arianna Rivalta, Natalia Bedoya-Martínez, Benedikt Schrode, Doris E. Braun, Oliver Werzer, Elisabetta Venuti, Raffaele Guido Della Valle
Cryst. Growth Des. (2019)
Externer Link:Link - The worm lattice Boltzmann method: the case of diffusive-ballistic phonon transport (Artikel)
Verena Fritz, Natalia Bedoya-Martínez, René Hammer
Journal of Computational Physics (2019)
Externer Link:Link - Tomography based simulation of reactive flow at the micro-scale: Particulate filters with wall integrated catalyst (Artikel)
Robert Greiner, Torben Prill, Oleg Iliev, Barry A.A.L. van Setten, Martin Votsmeier
Chemical Engineering Journal (2019)
Externer Link:Link - Understanding phonon properties in isoreticular metal-organic frameworks from first principles (Artikel)
Tomas Kamencek, Natalia Bedoya-Martínez, Egbert Zojer
Physical Review Materials (2019)
Externer Link:Link - In situ and atomic-scale investigations of the early stages of γ precipitate growth in a supersaturated intermetallic Ti-44Al-7Mo (at.%) solid solution (Artikel)
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Acta Materialia (2019)
Externer Link:Link - Thermal stability of nanolamellar fcc-Ti1-xAlxN grown by chemical vapor deposition (Artikel)
Tkadletz M., Hofer C., Wüstefeld C., Schalk N., Motylenko M., Rafaja D., Holzschuh H., Bürgin W., Sartory B., Mitterer C., Czettl C.
Acta Materialia (2019)
Externer Link:Link - Hydrogen-enhanced decohesion mechanism of the special Σ5(0 1 2)[1 0 0]grain boundary in Ni with Mo and C solutes (Artikel)
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Computational Materials Science (2019)
Externer Link:Link - Hybrid heat transfer enhancement for latent-heat thermal energy storage systems: A review (Artikel)
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International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2019)
Externer Link:Link - Density functional theory calculations of iron - vanadium carbide interfaces and the effect of hydrogen (Artikel)
Echeverri Restrepo S., Di Stefano D., Mrovec M., Paxton A.T.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2019)
Externer Link:Link - Thermal crack network on CVD TiCN/α-Al 2 O 3 coated cemented carbide cutting tools (Artikel)
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International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials (2019)
Externer Link:Link - Evidence of austenite memory in PH 15-5 and assessment of its formation mechanism (Artikel)
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Materials and Design (2019)
Externer Link:Link - Strain-rate dependent occurrence of cleavage fracture in Fe−Si−Al alloys (Artikel)
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Externer Link:Link - Formation of “carbide-free zones” resulting from the interplay of C redistribution and carbide precipitation during bainitic transformation (Artikel)
Klein T., Hofer C., Lukas M., Wojcik T., Schnitzer R., Galler M., Ressel G.
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Externer Link:Link - Influence of composition and oxygen-vacancy ordering on lattice parameter and elastic moduli of Ce1-xGdxO2-x/2: A theoretical study (Artikel)
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Externer Link:Link - In-situ investigation of the oxidation behavior of metastable CVD-Ti1-xAlxN using a novel combination of synchrotron radiation XRD and DSC (Artikel)
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Surface and Coatings Technology (2019)
Externer Link:Link - Erosion processes of electrodes – Experiments and modeling (Artikel)
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Externer Link:Link - Damage models of different hardness layers subjected to point contact (Artikel)
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Externer Link:Link - Cyclic plastic deformation of rails in rolling/sliding contact –quasistatic FE calculations using different plasticity models (Artikel)
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Externer Link:Link - Biomimetic hard and tough nanoceramic Ti-Al-N film with self-assembled six-level hierarchy (Artikel)
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Nanoscale (2019)
Externer Link:Link - Disentangling lattice and electronic contributions to the metal–insulator transition from bulk vs. Layer confined RNiO3 (Artikel)
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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2019)
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