Physicochemical Laboratory

The physicochemical laboratory specialises in the structural and chemical characterisation of mainly metallic and ceramic materials with a particular focus on X-ray trechniques.

We concentrate on:

  • Crystallographic structure
  • Phase constitution
  • Residual stresses
  • Surface topography
  • Chemical composition


The physicochemical laboratory offers both standard methods – such as determination of retained autenite and residual stress measurement – as well as highly specialised methods (e.g. high temperature XRD) for innovative solutions in materials research and process development. 



Our Range of Services

  • Qualitative and quantitative X-ray Phase analysis (25°C to 1400°C)
  • Determination of retained austenite by X-ray analysis (acc. to ASTM E975-03 or by Rietveld method, including depth profiles)
  • X-ray phase and structure analysis of thin surface films
  • Determination of fibre textures in coating systems (25°C to 900°C)
  • Determination of textures in metallic materials
  • Determination of process induced residual stresses on surfaces by X-ray analysis (25°C to 900°C)
  • Determination of residual stress depth profiles on specimens and components (e.g. gear components)
  • Mobile on-site residual stress measurement on large components or materials
  • Measurement of time-temperature-transformation and precipitation diagrams (continuous and isothermal, CCT, TTT, TTA)
  • Chemical material analysis by arc spark optical emission spectrometry* and X-ray fluorescence analysis
  • Measurement of carbon and nitrogen depth profiles on thermochemically treated steels
  • Chemical depth profile analysis of thin films (e.g. nitride / carbide / oxide films)


Our Equipment

  • X-ray diffractometer Bruker D8 Advance for phase analysis with high temperature chamber HTK2000 for the detection of fast phase transformations in inert and oxidic atmospheres (25°C to 1400°C)
  • X-ray diffractometer Bruker D8 Discover for residual stress and texture analysis with hot stage DHS900 from Paar (up to 900°C)
  • Mobile X-ray diffractometers Stresstech Xstress 3000 (G2/G3) with integrated depth measurement and automatic testing table (also suitable for measuring internal surfaces and for in-situ measurements on test equipment)
  • High resolution glow discharge optical emission spectrometer (GDOES) from HORIBA JOBIN YVON (HR Profiler)
  • Netzsch differential scanning calorimeter DSC/DTA STA-409C (up to 1400°C) for measurements in vacuum, inert gas (Ar, N2) or oxidic atmospheres
  • Quenching dilatometer DIL805L from Bähr with inductive heating system (25°C to 1300°C) and integrated gas cooling system (N2, He)
  • Handheld X-ray fluorescence analyser S1TurboLE from Bruker