News entry

International IC-MPPE 2022 Conference

The international IC-MPPE 2022 conference - live and digital on new materials research topics!

Foto: Klaus Pressberger

Foto: Klaus Pressberger

For the third time, the international conference "Integrated Computational Materials, Process and Product Engineering IC-MPPE 2022" organized by Materials Center Leoben Forschung GmbH (MCL) and ASMET took place on May 5 and 6, 2022. We were glad to perform the conference live on site in Leoben as well as digitally via www. 200 registered participants from 14 nations, almost 150 on site in Leoben could be welcomed.


Highly renowned researchers from industry and academia were represented: Invited speakers from different nations presented impressive research results and the latest developments in the development of materials, processes and products along the entire value chain.

The main topics covered characterization and modeling of materials under extreme loading conditions , new advanced materials and material systems for smart electronics, model-based condition monitoring, predictive maintenance and process control, cutting-edge developments in computational multiscale material design in conjunction with material accelerator platforms (MAPs), developments in material-based concepts for condition monitoring and predictive maintenance of railroad infrastructure with a focus on track components (rails, crossings, ballast and slab track, . ..) and developments in material-based energy storage solutions for the future.


Material requirements for µm scale products from microelectronics were considered as well as large structural components such as meter long track components (rails and switches) of the railroad.

The development of tomorrow's materials, processes and products nowadays always involves a combination of the latest computer-aided models and experimental methods. The Materials Center Leoben Forschung GmbH is a platform that combines the competences of its 170 employees with those of more than 100 scientific and industrial partners.